The committee represents member interests and manages the operations of the club.
Committee positions are open for election on an annual basis. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact our secretary who can provide you with further information.
Lauren joined the Finnish Lapphund community 10 years ago when she welcomed her first Lapphund into her life. Since then life has never been the same!
Lauren has imported numerous dogs and frozen semen from many countries to build a strong and genetically diverse breeding program. Breeding under the Orical prefix, her Lapphunds have been highly awarded by breed specialists, and proven their versatility in a number of disciplines.
Lauren was a founding member of the club, and trains and/or competes in tracking, track and search, rally obedience, backpacking and sled sports.
To contact Lauren, please email President@flcnsw.com.au
Vice President
Rita has been involved with Finnish Lapphunds since attending the Dog Lovers Show and Lappie Picnic in 2016, welcoming her first Lappie Jaska into her home in 2016, followed Biella in 2019.
Rita and her Lappies attempt to do dog sports and try to show at dog shows when able.
Rita has been heavily involved with the Lappie community for many years.
Secretary & Show Secretary
Katrina welcomed her first Finnish Lapphund in 2005 when the breed was in its infancy in Australia. In 2016 she welcomed Willow from Orical Kennels and began showing. Her young son, Jordan, began showing in junior handlers and he has become quite the little star in his dapper little suit and bow tie. In 2017 Katrina welcomed Akela, who quickly excelled in the show ring. Young Jordan handled her to best bitch at the 2017 Finnish Lapphund Speciality under a respected Finnish breed specialist- Jordan declared that this was the best day of his life!
Katrina joined the committee in 2016, and regularly mentors new people to the breed. She is training in and/or competing in backpacking, tracking and rally obedience.
To contact Katrina, please email Secretary@flcnsw.com.au or ShowSecretary@flcnsw.com.au
Sharron Casey
Sharon fell in love with Finnish Lapphunds when a work colleague started bringing her two Lappies to work a few years ago. When the opportunity came to get a puppy related to both the Lapphunds she’d come to love, she jumped at it. And thus began a steep but wonderful learning curve.
Events Coordinator
Krista learnt about Lappies a couple of years ago and has been fascinated about the breed ever since. Welcoming her own fur baby Miss Frankie in 2020. She can’t imagine life without her now.
Krista was born in Australia but both her parents are Finnish. This plays a big part in why she choose a Lappie (Suomin Lappin Koira) too with her heritage. Next visit to Finland, she will definitely go and make sure she sees some lappies in their homeland! Krista is looking forward to learning more about the Club and helping organise some amazing events!
To contact Krista, please email events@flcnsw.com.au
Misha first fell in love with Lappies in 2017 when her friend adopted a beautiful Orical Lappie. Fast forward two years, she adopted her very own cream boy, Inko. She loves their temperament, cheekiness, independence and most of all, the unconditional love that comes along with having a four-legged fur friend. Inko has sired litters for the Orical family and in 2020, Misha brought home Inko's son from his very first litter; Myka.
Misha is looking forward to her adventures with her two Lappies and assisting the club online.
To contact Misha, please email webmaster@flcnsw.com.au
Breed Liaison
If you would like to nominate yourself for the position please email secretary@flcnsw.com.au
Fundraising Officer
Kaylene's history with dogs starts from as far back as 1976 when her parents got their first Basenji, which started Kaylene's show career.
Since then, Kaylene has had a number of breeds, including Setters and Alaskan Malamutes. Kaylene has been actively involved in fostering and rescuing dogs, an area she is passionate about.
Kaylene welcomed her first Lapphund in 2018 and enjoys her adventures with this breed, and assisting the NSW Lapphund community.
To contact Kaylene, please email fundraising@flcnsw.com.au
Madeleine Culp
Publicity Officer